Fill out the application below, send the required $75 Tribute, and I will contact you within 72hrs.

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Your Personal Information
First Name
Age *
Height *
Current Weight *
Ideal Weight *
What are Your Physical Fitness Goals?
Select all options that apply.
Answer if relevant to the previous question.
Include physical history that is relevant.
Include why you enjoy the activities that you do.
Include what activities you were doing at the time.
Access to a gym, home equipment, a personal trainer, etc.
Include restrictions, whether you cook or eat-out and why, etc.
Do you respond better to a forceful style, or a softer hand? (still unwavering in what I anticipate from you)
More details improve how personalized I can make experiences. Include ‘why’ and ‘how’s.
Be honest, I can sniff out BS and use it against you!
Include the pleasures and indulgences that you spend on.
My agreeance will depend on your Tribute.
How do You Prefer to Interact with Me?
Select all options that apply.
Only answer if relevant to the previous question.
Tell me why you are worthy of this role, how will you show me?